all I want for Christmas…

Yes, the “Villancinco” (based on the Christmas song “La marimorena”) is finally out, and it turned out even more adorable than I had imagined, thanks to the stellar presence of one Javi Martínez (!!!).  Fernando Llorente, David Villa, Santi Cazorla and Álvaro Arbeloa round out the cast of this Villancinco.  Does this mean they were the only ones brave enough to sing, or will we get another one from the rest of the players in this campaign – Xavi, Xabi, David Silva and possibly Iker?

I love how the boys wore tuxedo jackets, and how Álvaro casually hung his over his shoulder!  And they all sing better than expected; I’d love to see a boy group made up of La Roja players!!!  My five would be Fernando Llorente, Javi Martínez (!!!), Sergio Ramos, PF Juan Mata and Pepe Reina.  How about yours?

The ad starts out with a photo session, and when it’s done and everyone is prepared to leave, Santi tells everyone to hold on a minute.  He says, “since we have Villa and there’s five (cinco) of us, let’s sing a Villancinco.”  The others say things like good idea, or let’s do it.  The mike is tossed at Villa, but somehow Javi (!!!) ends up with it.

They sing, “we wish everyone luck to begin the year with, we sing this Villancinco to you all together.  Red, red, red is our shirt, let’s start this year with the red shirt on.  Good luck to everyone in 2012, the red shirt of Spain unleashes passion.  From Cádiz to La Coruña, Zamora to Levante, all the fans are part of this team.  Red, red, red is our shirt, let’s start this year with the red shirt on.  Good luck to everyone in 2012, the red shirt of Spain unleashes passion.”

If you want to sing along, the Spanish lyrics are: “para comenzar el año, suerte a todos deseamos, y con este Villancinco todos juntos os cantamos.  Roja, roja, roja es nuestra camiseta, empezarse el año con La Roja puesta.  Suerte para todos en el 2012, La Roja de España desata pasiones.  Desde Cádiz a Coruña, de Zamora a Levante, todos los aficionados del equipo forman parte.  Roja, roja, roja es nuestra camiseta, empezarse el año con La Roja puesta.  Suerte para todos en el 2012, La Roja de España desata pasiones.”

At the end, it says, “start the year with something red.”  I’m taking Javi (!!!).

Everything about this is adorable, no?

However, they managed to somehow exceed that level of adorableness with the making of video (you thought it was impossible, right?).  From Fernando spraying cava and Javi (!!!) running away…

… to David doing some earnest singing.  And I loved the moment where he dropped the microphone.  The reaction of the boys is just like that moment with Adidas in South Africa right before the World Cup final, when they all shouted “¡a por ellos!

In the video, we get some glimpses of Xavi, so hopefully there will be another video featuring him.

And we also get this little message from the boy band.  Javi (!!!) says, “we invite you to start the year with something red…”  Then Fernando says, “… so that 2012 will bring you luck…” and Álvaro continues, “and you can achieve all your goals.”   Santi says, “it’s clear what ours is.”  Then everyone says, “¡¡¡¡happy 2012!!!!”

Go here to see the rest of the campaign, including the pictures below, as well as the opportunity to download the Villancinco for your mobile!

How come there’s no picture of Javi (!!!)?

I have to say, I like Fernando and Xabi’s poses the best.  Only Xabi Alonso could pull that pose off.  Everyone else would just look idiotic.  And even though he’s wearing sneakers, he manages to look so elegant.

Posted on December 21, 2011, in players, team and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. I love these boys so much I want to cry!

    Also, I agree. Xabi looks so elegant, but I don’t really understand how it’s possible – he’s wearing a football kit! How can you look elegant in that! Well, he does. And he does it well.

  2. Xabi… is there anything that the man can’t do? He could wear sackcloth and still look amazing.

  3. So cute! I like the bajitos next to Fernando, Javi, and Arbeloa. I’m a little sad seeing Villa in this knowing he is injured. I hope that he makes a speedy recovery so that he can wear the red shirt in the Eurocopa!!!

    Wishing the boys on La Roja, Una, and everyone a happy holidays and a healthy New Year!

    Hope Papa Noel or the Los Reyes Magos brings what everyone desires.

  4. Love it! And totally agreed about the Xabi pose at the end. And I hope we can to see another ad feauring the players with balloons on the background. They say start the year with something red, so can I have the one with the red beard, hehe?!

  5. Iker looks really cute in that picture! I hope there’s more from this campaign. It makes me think of poor Villa in hospital with his broken leg now though…

  6. Iker doesn’t even get in your boy band, Una? I’m shocked!

    My boy band would have to include Villa and Pepe Reina because I know they can sing, Valdes (looks), Thiago (dancing), and Santi Claus (fun!) Xavi can’t sing but he can be my co-manager.

    • Iker would be the type of person I’d hire to perform a parody of a boy band..I mean, he’s gorgeous, but we’re all aware of his singing skills.. :lol: and he just seems like a goofy dancer to me, not sure why.

      It’s no surprise that Sergio would be the first member of my boy band. Hmmm, I’m sure Llorente would have loads of groupies. Pepe would be incredibly fun, and I’ll add in PF for my own ..erm “personal interests” if I were to be manager ;) And for some reason I expect Sergio to be that one member that just HAS TO stray from the group to pursue a solo career *eye roll*, dammit Sexio!!

  7. Only Xabi could manage to look like Jame Bond in a football shirt and boots!

    That video is adorable.

  8. OMG!! David Silva is soooooooo goood looking!!! Holy crap! Cutie! <3

  9. That’s sooooooo adorable!!!! can’t stop watching the videos!! And a boy group made of la roja players is a very good idea!! I didn’t expect them to sing so good.
    Xabi’s pose – great like always! He’s really the only one who can pose like this without looking idiotic.. Xabi never looks idiotic, no matter how he poses.

  10. xabi even makes cheesy poses look elegant! arbeloa’s no slouch, either. god, he’s beautiful …

    my la roja boyband would be: PF juan mata, david silva, david villa, jesus navas and santi cazorla, because they’re all pocket-sized and super cute! but if we’re talking actual musical talent … sergio ramos, pepe reina and … pique? (i’m assuming some of shakira’s singing talent rubbed off on him, hahaha!)

    feliz navidad, una! xo

  11. I call Fernando Llorente for the first photo!! And Iker for the second. Is it ok to take two? After all, I’ve been (relatively) good this year. :))

  12. cute, so cute!

    The boysband would be a great idea – of course Serhiooooo and Pepe Reina must be there, I agree!

    once again, I have no words for Xabi. The same old classy story – the guy is amazingly dreamy, I can;t even!!!!

  13. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Although I agree that only Xabi can pull that pose and look so dapper in jersey no less, I say Villa packs more punch. His pose says – Hey gorgeous, you look amazing…can I buy you a drink? Yay! His usual intense self is coming out in this picture :)

    Speedy recovery, Vee! You may not be top form for club now but you’re always top form for Spain and we need you :)

  14. What a cute post, Una! I saved it for Christmas & it make me smile! All of them are so, so cute! Feliz Navidad!

  15. does my boy band have to be entirely la roja? I’ll love to sneak a certain Esteban Granero in there, along with Juan Mata, Sergio Ramos, Javi and maybe Arbeloa because he seems to have a nice voice.

  16. Got those electric blue cleats are awesome. Love the poses, love the singing, love the fotos. Looks like el Pony Silva drank a little too much bubbly. Gotta love Villa. He’s gotta be there in Poland!

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