some more thoughts from Geri Piqué

El País’ summer special has a type of interview/final exam with el dandy de la playa.  He talks about the national team, so I translated it!

Q:  For vacation, island, rural refuge or luxury resort?

A:  In the last several years, I’ve gone to a luxury resort, but I got bored.  I need to have more activities.

Q:  What book would you never take to the beach and what movie would you never watch at the movie theater during the summer?

A:  A mathematics books.  I prefer to watch movies at home.

Q: Champion of the world, and…

A: And what? Does that seem insignificant to you? It’s something unforgettable, something that no one else has achieved [I assume he’s talking about Spaniards], due to bad luck, or the circumstances, maybe. It’s something historical and you have to enjoy it. The truth is, we were born under a lucky star.

Q: When Iniesta scored the goal, my friends and I climbed onto the table in the bar and we began to scream. How do you feel about being the ones to cause this?

A: It’s a source of pride. In South Africa, we received messages of support from everyone. But we didn’t think about how they would react, meaning the amount of people who came out to celebrate with us. This triumph is not mine, nor is it Puyi’s, or Xavi’s, or Iker’s, or the 23 players or the coach. It’s a triumph of everyone.

Q: You all are good looking, young, millionaires and famous. Paradise should be a boring place for the players of La Roja.

A: I’ve already said that some are born under a lucky star. It’s a privilege to be a footballer, where my job is what I like most doing. I enjoy every day.

Q: In the celebration, there was Manolo Escobar and his “Viva España.” Do you think we needed something of the “chill out” variety?

A: Chill out music is for relaxing, and more appropriate for private affairs. Manolo Escobar and his song were more than appropriate for that celebration!

Q: The players swore a lot during the celebration, what are your phrases?

A: I don’t swear too much. I might say something in Catalan. I’m more likely to say one of my pet phrases, such as “máquina” or “nano.”

Q: A photo of you in a very affectionate pose with Ibrahmovic appeared everywhere, where were you on Gay Pride Day?

A: It was a photo that was misinterpreted, of course. I suppose there was morbid curiosity, but in the end, there was nothing going on. Gay Pride Day? Well I don’t know, to tell you the truth. When was it?

Q: The kiss between Sara Carbonero and Casillas, is football also love?

A: Football is everything. As some say (more or less), you can change your religion, your wife, your family, but never your team.

Q: In Cataluña, the politicians say they’re Spain without going into detail, what’s your take?

A: I don’t know anything about politics.

Q: Forgive the demagogy, but winning the World Cup gave you each €600,000 – too much money in a time of crisis?

A: It’s forgiven. Yes, it’s a lot of money. I’ve already said I’m privileged.

Geri Piqué gave himself an 8.5 on the exam, while the interviewer gave him a 9. In any case, he passes! (In the Spanish system, you pass with a 5).

Posted on July 27, 2010, in interviews and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. Awesome interview. Thanks so much for translating it!

  2. will there be one for each player?
    thanks again!

  3. Thanku veryyyy muchhh fo the post :-)

  4. He looks so neon white in this pic it’s weird… i never thought he was so… chromatically challenged

  5. I like him but it rubs me the wrong way whenever he throws the question back at the interviewer…I don’t know, maybe its just me but its almost like a hint of arrogance or something to that extent.

    And what does ‘nano’ and ‘maquina’ mean?

    Thanks a lot again!

  6. Chloe-Elisabeth

    thank you for translating this ;)

    at the end when they state “exam”, means interview yeah?

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