Gerard Piqué – El País Q&A

For all of you who were hoping to learn about Gerard Piqué’s first kiss when it became his turn to answer the Q&A, I’m sorry to disappoint you.  He says it’s too personal to talk about!  But we do learn that he likes the circus, that he watched Oliver and Benji and that he once asked his coach for an autograph.

Note:  thank goodness Spain’s still in the World Cup, because three players haven’t been interviewed yet.  They also happen to be the three whose questionnaires I most want to read: Iker, Sergio and Xabi.

Q:  Can you recommend to me a food shack on the beach?

A:  That’s secret.

Q:  Would you ban bullfighting?

A:  It’s not something that I have spent a lot of time thinking about.

Q:  What gets on your nerves?

A:  Lies, when the weakest are taken advantage of.

Q:  Do you know what a scrum is?

A:  No.

Q:  Do you remember what was your first kiss like?

A:  Yes, but that’s quite personal.

Q:  What do you play on Play?

A:  Many things.

Q:  Nesquik or Cola Cao?

A:  Nesquik.

Q:  How many watches do you own?

A:  Not a lot.

Q:  What were your first boots like?

A:  Nike.

Q:  How long has it been since you went to the circus?

A:  A few months ago.  When I was small, I went every year.   With my grandparents.  I like it a lot.

Q:  How long does the pregnancy of a whale last?

A:  It depends, about 20 months.

Q:  Do you know who Katalinski was?

A:  What do you think?

Q:  Who did you ask for an autograph when you were a kid?

A:  Guardiola, Luis Enrique, Ronaldo… My grandfather was a director of Barcelona.

Q:  Do you know who wrote Saber perder?

A:  David Trueba.

Q:  Why have shows with midgets in the bullfighting ring in Zaragoza been prohibited?

A:  I don’t know.  The only thing I can say is that I don’t like it when people with disabilities or handicaps are made fun of.

Q:  Which player has kicked you the most?

A:  I receive elbows.

Q:  What do you think about the decision of the Constitutional Court on the Estatut [the Statute of Autonomy of Cataluña]?

A:  I haven’t kept up with that.

Q:  What year did apartheid end?

A:  In 1990?

Q:  What was the name of Pippi Longstocking’s horse?

A:  Juan Manuel Pérez.  How would I know?  I watched Oliver and Benji, maki!

Q:  Have you been able to get a reservation at elBulli?

A:  No.  But if I don’t get my act together, I won’t be able to eat there.  They’re closing, no?

Q:  If it weren’t for the World Cup, why would you go to South Africa?

A:  To visit an extraordinary country.

Q:  What does your town have that Johannesburg doesn’t?

A:  The beach nearby, a Mediterranean climate, people that I love, L’Hostal de la Plaça, Can Rin…

Q:  How many years was Mandela imprisoned?

A:  26, I think.  He got out in 1990.

Q:  Do you know what an Afrikaner is?

A:  A white South African.

Q:  How many diapers have you changed in your life?

A:  Me?  None!

Q:  Does a lion or a hippo kill more people?

A:  The hippo.

Q:  What is the World Cup ball called?

A:  Jabulani.  It’s awful.

Q:  Why have you won the porra of the team?

A:  Because I understand it.

Q:  To be a Spanish international, do you have to know how to play pocha (a card game)?

A:  No, but it’s advisable to know how.

Q:  Do you know where Del Bosque was born?

A:  In Salamanca.

Q:  What position did Xabi Alonso’s father play?

A:  How would I know?  His son is a crack, so he should have been a good footballer.

Posted on June 30, 2010, in q&a and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. okay, anyone mind telling me what porra is?

    • It’s a betting game – all the players/staff make predictions on who will win each game, and they see who gets the most right – the winner gets a cash prize from the entry fees.

      • That’s a relief to know, because the slang word is not so nice. I thought they might be using it to say he’s successful with the ladies but it’s more biologically graphic and I couldn’t imagine how it could be stretched to be used in a positive sense. Your meaning is much nicer!

  2. that’s such a funny picture of him!

    and i’m disappointed, i was hoping the questionnaire would reveal more about him :(

  3. I don’t know. The only thing I can say is that I don’t like it when people with disabilities or handicaps are made fun of.
    I love this about him. All the work he does with charities because of his cousin is fantastic!

    Also – He won the porra? YAY!

  4. What does he mean with crack in his last answer?

  5. thanks for sharnig, I really enjoy your blog! Just wanted to share quick link here are many videos about every-day life of La Roja in Africa:)

  6. nice, i was waiting for this interview. although, dont this interview ask for the tv show they are addicted to frm other players. i needed to know more about him too

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