it runs in the family

Check out this ridiculously cute video of PF Juan Mata, with his sister Paula.  It’s a preview of a special his club’s TV channel did with him, and in this part, Juanín doesn’t speak too much English, but he’s still adorable, as is Paula.  Paula explains to us that they live together in England, and that she’s happy about it, because it’s the first time they’ve been together in almost 10 years, as her brother left home at the age of 15, when she was 17.  Paula also says “of course he’s a good brother, he’s the only one I have, so I can’t say anything bad about him… Mom!  We love you and we love each other!”  From now on, Paula Mata also gets a PF in front of her name, because she’s every bit as great as her brother.  So here’s to you, PF Paula Mata.

Posted on December 22, 2011, in players and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Ahhh they are BOTH absolutely adorable! So adorable I’m willing to not be mad at Juan for that beard that I hate. Best part of players going to England: them speaking English in that Spanish accent that I loveeeeeeee!

  2. adorable, the both of them! :) :) :)

  3. Has his sister been living in England for a while? I’m just wondering because she speaks English well. It must be nice for PF Juan Mata to have his sis there…not only for moral support but to help him learn English.

    How cute those two are! But I agree with Alyssa. I’m not too fond of the beard either. Although I see David Silva’s not shaving all his off either. Maybe to help them keep warm?

    • I can’t stay mad at him no matter what state his facial hair is in! I think well groomed stubble looks really good on some men, but it’s always terrible to touch! Makes me cringe when I have to greet stubbly men with kisses on the cheek :s

  4. I’m not surprised Juanma’s family is as adorable as he is :)

    Sorry, but what does PF stand for again? Same thing with MFC Alvaro Morata. I read them all the time but I can’t remember what they stand for :/

  5. She is even cuter than Jaanin, thanks Una. Quality to see them just as a normal family.

  6. aww they’re so adorable! :D

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